8 signs it might be time for assisted living
A s one grows older, one might start to notice certain challenges when it comes to mobility and cognitive functions. So, while one might be capable of doing things on their own initially, they might eventually require additional care and support for multiple things from a professional or an assisted living community. Several telltale signs can help caregivers identify if a senior may benefit from an assisted living community. 1. Deteriorating health A chronic health condition that keeps getting worse by the day is a common indicator that one might require additional care. While one might try to handle their loved one’s condition independently, some might require professional care. If this is the case, one should partner with a team of trained members dedicated to the well-being of such situations, such as by moving the senior to an assisted living facility. 2. Changes in hygiene A senior might be living with a health condition but still manage to take care of basic hygiene. However, deteriorating health and mobility issues might cause them to stop caring for themselves. One might notice changes in one’s hygiene, such as greasy, unkempt hair, body odor, or dirty fingernails that are too long, broken, or jagged.
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