16 common signs of leukemia

16 common signs of leukemia

Leukemia is a type of cancer affecting white blood cells and bone marrow. While some forms of the condition are more common in those under 15 years of age, other types of leukemia mostly affect those over 55. The treatment here aims to eliminate cancerous cells, promote the production of healthy blood cells, and help in managing symptoms. Here are some common signs of leukemia that should prompt one to seek diagnosis and treatment: 1. Frequent infections The bone marrow is responsible for creating a type of white blood cells called lymphocytes. However, when affected by leukemia, the bone marrow produces white blood cells that never mature and instead multiply and enter the bloodstream. These abnormal lymphocytes are then unable to protect the body from infections and weaken the immune system. This makes it difficult to fight off pathogens and keep viral and bacterial infections at bay. So, if one falls sick more frequently and takes an abnormally long time to recover, they should consult a doctor. 2. Red spots on the skin If one notices small red spots on the skin, it may be a sign of leukemia. Abnormal white blood cells can disrupt blood clotting and make tiny blood vessels under the skin more fragile, resulting in these spots.
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Top 9 foods that patients with leukemia should avoid

Top 9 foods that patients with leukemia should avoid

Leukemia is a type of cancer involving the growth of abnormal or cancerous blood cells in the body. Such blood cells begin growing in the bone marrow, which is responsible for producing blood. While the exact cause of leukemia is unknown, some triggers include genetic predisposition, previous cancer interventions, and exposure to benzene and certain other chemicals. Besides timely intervention, a healthy lifestyle can promote symptom management. Here are some foods to avoid with leukemia: Foods to avoid with leukemia Here are a few foods that patients with leukemia should avoid: Sugary foods Although the direct link between sugar and cancer is not yet fully established, sugar increases one’s risk of developing lifestyle diseases like diabetes and cholesterol, which can impede healing from leukemia and other cancers. Moreover, high blood sugar levels can cause elevated blood pressure, which is also a consequence of leukemia treatment. Thus, sugary foods can worsen the side effects of leukemia intervention. It is best to limit or avoid added sugar while healing from leukemia, replacing it with natural sugar sources like fruits and fresh fruit juices. Spicy foods Spicy foods give rise to digestive problems like nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting, which can worsen the impact of the side effects caused by leukemia treatment.
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Avoid these 10 foods to reduce the risk of seizures

Avoid these 10 foods to reduce the risk of seizures

Anything that interferes with the standard connections between nerve cells in the brain may trigger a seizure and lead to symptoms like abnormalities in muscle tone movements and behaviors. A few risk factors include a high fever, high or low blood sugar levels, or a brain concussion. Experts may recommend various remedies to manage seizures, including following a healthy lifestyle. One such measure is avoiding these ten unhealthy foods that might trigger or worsen seizures. Bananas Bananas are rich in several nutrients that are beneficial for the body. However, the fruit contains high amounts of potassium, which could have damaging effects for someone at risk of a seizure. The mineral is utilized by the body to function correctly, including the transmission of electrical signals to and from the brain. However, when an individual has too many bananas, the potassium content in their body might shoot up drastically, which could serve as a trigger for seizures. It’s best to speak to a nutritionist or a healthcare provider about the amount of fruit one can eat in a day. Coffee The research on whether coffee is safe or unhealthy for people at risk of seizures is still ongoing. Experts believe the caffeine content could lead to a sudden spike in electrical activity in the brain.
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14 silent warning signs of skin cancer

14 silent warning signs of skin cancer

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, which has a profound impact on an individual’s life. While many are well-acquainted with the visible markers of the condition, such as moles and lesions, one also needs to be aware of the less apparent and often disregarded warning signs. These silent signals, when recognized and understood, might lead to early detection, timely intervention, and better management of skin cancer. Persistent itching or pain Persistent, unexplained itching or pain in a specific skin area can be a discreet indicator of underlying skin cancer. The itching or pain may persist over an extended period without an apparent cause. It could manifest before any visible changes on the skin’s surface, making it easy for people to ignore. The constant discomfort should be taken seriously and examined by an expert. Changes in skin texture Skin affected by cancer can undergo noticeable alterations in texture. It may become rough, scaly, or develop a warty appearance. These changes tend to occur gradually and may be accompanied by a sensation of dryness or thickness in the affected area. Patients should be attentive to shifts in skin texture, particularly in areas subject to prolonged sun exposure.
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11 foods to avoid when dealing with herpes

11 foods to avoid when dealing with herpes

Herpes simplex is a virus that causes skin infections in different body parts, such as the genital region, buttocks, thighs, and anus. The condition is characterized by itching, blisters, burning, tingling, and painful sores. However, these symptoms can vary based on the location. For example, oral herpes causes blisters and cold sores around the mouth, whereas genital herpes may cause painful urination. In addition to treatment, avoiding certain foods can help in managing the infection:  1. Spicy foods Herpes often leads to the development of sores and blisters, which can worsen with the intake of spicy foods. So, when dealing with such an infection, one should avoid spicy foods like cajun shrimp and buffalo wings, as well as certain varieties of spicy chilies, and consider replacing them with milder seasoning. 2. Pumpkin seeds Although highly nutritious, pumpkin seeds contain arginine, an amino acid that has been linked to the spread of herpes. This is primarily because arginine promotes speedy growth, which accelerates the reproduction of viruses like HSV-1 and HSV-2, which are responsible for the onset of this condition. So, one should steer clear of pumpkin seeds to prevent the spread of herpes. 3. Citrus fruits Fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, and lemons are rich sources of vitamin C and other nutrients.
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Foods to avoid and foods to have for fever blisters

Foods to avoid and foods to have for fever blisters

Cold sores, also known as fever blisters, are a viral infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). These painful blisters often appear on or around the lips and can be quite uncomfortable. For anyone dealing with a cold sore or fever blisters, it is essential to understand how to manage this condition. One key aspect of preventing blisters is avoiding certain foods that can trigger or exacerbate it. So, here are some foods to avoid and specific foods to have when dealing with them. What are fever blisters? Before knowing the foods to avoid fever blisters, it is first important to understand what fever blisters are. Fever blisters or cold sores are small, painful, fluid-filled blisters that commonly appear on or around the lips. They are caused by the herpes simplex virus. Once a person is infected, the virus can remain dormant in their body, occasionally reactivating and causing outbreaks of fever blisters. Foods to avoid to keep the cold sores at bay Arginine-rich foods The primary food category that one must avoid in order to not trigger and prevent fever blisters is arginine-rich foods. This is because arginine is an amino acid that helps the herpes simplex virus replicate, hence, triggering cold sore outbreaks.
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Common warning signs and symptoms of herpes

Common warning signs and symptoms of herpes

Herpes (or Herpes Simplex Virus/HSV) is a viral condition that can cause oral or genital herpes. This is a fairly common condition and can be transmitted by direct contact with the sores. Unfortunately, due to its stigma, many people do not know about the condition’s types, signs, and symptoms. This article aims to raise awareness about herpes by discussing the common warning signs and risks associated with the condition. Types of Herpes There are two main types of HSV: HSV-1: It mostly spreads by oral contact and is often referred to as oral herpes. It may cause cold sores or fever blisters around one’s mouth. In rare cases, the virus may also be transmitted via a shared lip balm, razors, drinkware, or eating utensils. HSV-2: Also known as genital herpes, HSV-2 spreads via sexual contact. It can lead to the formation of sores in or around intimate areas. Warning signs and symptoms of HSV The occurrence and severity of symptoms of herpes vary from person to person. Some warning signs that may indicate herpes include: Tingling, itching, or burning One may experience an irritating itching a day or two before blisters appear. Sores or blisters The appearance of painful, fluid-filled blisters is one of the most recognizable warning signs of herpes.
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8 conditions that cause blisters and warning signs to identify them

8 conditions that cause blisters and warning signs to identify them

The human body is susceptible to various infections and, consequently, certain symptoms that interfere with daily life. One of these complications includes blisters and small pockets of fluid in the upper skin layers, which is the body’s response to injury. However, a blister may also develop because of various health conditions that are often mistaken for something else. Here are certain warning signs that could cause blister because of health complications: Herpes simplex An individual may sometimes develop painful blisters on their genitals or the mouth. These might occur alone or in clusters, leak clear yellow fluid, and then crust over. This type of blister on the mouth is called a cold sore, while the ones on the genitals are called genital herpes, a sexually transmitted infection (STI). The oral and genital lesions are commonly caused by the viruses HSV-1 and HSV-2. The blisters might be triggered by stress, illness, sun exposure, and menstruation in people with the herpes simplex virus. The infected site usually starts to itch or tingle before the appearance of blisters. Impetigo The condition is a common bacterial infection in babies and children. It triggers an irritating rash and fluid-filled blisters that pop easily, forming a honey-colored crust.
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