6 effective tips to relieve nasal congestion

6 effective tips to relieve nasal congestion

One may have nasal polyps or congestion if one consistently wakes up with a stuffy, congested nose. In addition to making breathing difficult, it makes people feel uncomfortable, worn out, and heavy-headed, disturbing their sleep. Fortunately, there are a number of simple methods that may be used to help someone swiftly remove a nasal obstruction. We’ll go over six quick techniques to clear nasal congestion in this blog post so you can breathe easily in no time. Main causes of nasal congestion Nasal congestion results from swelling of blood vessels in the nasal passages or irritation to the tissues that line the nose from the inside. The most likely causes of nasal congestion are as follows: Infection Microbes, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, attack cells and tissues of our body. The nose uses defense against these microbes by producing mucus (a sticky, slippery substance) which traps and expels them as snot. However, some highly active microbes cross the defense and cause infection, which induces inflammation, swollen nasal lining, or both. Allergies Certain allergens, such as pollen, dust, or skin flakes from cats or dogs, might cause an allergic reaction in some people. This causes the nasal lining to expand, resulting in cold-like symptoms, such as a clogged or runny nose, itching, and sneezing.
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Top 8 foods that relieve nasal congestion

Top 8 foods that relieve nasal congestion

If your nose is stuffed up and you have a hard time breathing, the last thing you probably want to think about is food. However, some of the most common remedies for nasal congestion caused due to nasal polyps can be found in the kitchen. Eating specific foods may relieve your symptoms and help reduce inflammation in your airways. Discover the eight best foods you should eat to alleviate nasal congestion and other symptoms. What does nasal congestion mean? Nasal polyps (or nasal congestion) are small, non-cancerous growths that develop on the lining of the nasal passages. They often appear as soft, painless, teardrop-shaped tissue lumps hanging down and may block the nose completely. Though typically harmless, it is important to be aware of nasal polyps if you have allergies or other chronic respiratory conditions such as asthma or cystic fibrosis. Nasal congestion may cause a runny nose and difficulty breathing. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. The following eight food items may provide natural relief from your nasal congestion – some of which may already be in your kitchen. Garlic Garlic contains allicin and ajoene compounds, which have the following benefits: Antiviral properties (the ability of a compound or organism to prevent the growth and spread of viruses) Antibacterial properties (the ability to reduce the growth and reproduction of bacteria) Antifungal properties (the ability to stop the growth and proliferation of fungi such as yeast and mold).
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7 natural remedies and foods to alleviate sinus congestion

7 natural remedies and foods to alleviate sinus congestion

Are you experiencing symptoms of sinus congestion (caused by nasal polyps), such as nasal congestion, headache, and facial pain? You don’t have to suffer any longer. Numerous natural remedies can help reduce congested sinus symptoms without resorting to expensive prescriptions. From steam inhalation techniques to effective meal plans and homemade herbal teas, this blog post will provide some easy and economical tips for reducing the effects of your sinus congestion. What is sinus congestion? Sinus congestion, also known as sinusitis or rhinosinusitis, is a condition of sinus inflammation, blockage, or nasal polyps. It results from an inflammation caused by an allergic reaction, a viral infection, or an obstruction in nasal passages due to airborne particles, such as pollen. Usually, mucus is present in the nasal passages as part of the body’s natural defense against invading organisms, such as bacteria and viruses. Mucus is a semi-solid, slippery substance produced by mucous membranes. However, when the mucus becomes thickened and blocked due to an infection, it can form a barrier to airflow. Infection-fighting cells present in the passage may also thicken mucus. Consequently, mucus may trap bacteria, viruses, and other particles entering your sinuses, leading to congestion/blockage. The symptoms of sinus congestion may include a cough, runny nose, facial pressure (feeling of heaviness on the face and head) or pain, headache, fatigue, foul smell in the nose, and sometimes, fever.
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12 remedies to relieve eczema naturally

12 remedies to relieve eczema naturally

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a prevalent health condition characterized by red rashes and scaly patches of skin that cause an uncontrollable urge to scratch. The skin also becomes dry, increasing sensitivity to chemicals like cleansing agents. While there are treatments for eczema, natural remedies work better for some people, especially if they experience mild symptoms. So, let us take a look at a few natural remedies for this skin disease. Wear cotton clothes Clothes made of 100% natural cotton are soft. They do not rub against your skin, reducing itchiness. Natural silk or fabrics coated with antimicrobial agents, such as silver, silver-containing compounds, zinc, and quaternary ammonium compounds, are also suitable for preventing infection. These materials reduce the evaporation of the natural moisturizing agents from the skin. On the other hand, garments made of wool are insulators. They increase the heat on the skin, enhancing the urge to itch, and are not recommended if you show symptoms of eczema or another skin disease. Apply natural oils Sunflower seed oil is an excellent natural remedy for several skin diseases, including eczema. The oil’s anti-inflammatory agents prevent adverse reactions on the skin, reducing itchiness and slowing the condition’s progression.
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Tips to finding the right soap to manage eczema

Tips to finding the right soap to manage eczema

Eczema is a skin disease marked by flaky, red, itchy patches that can be quite uncomfortable and may bleed. People with eczema or other skin diseases should be cautious when using cleansers, such as soaps and body wash. The condition can worsen with use of harsh soaps and detergents, since they will further aggravate the flare-up. To keep the symptoms under control, you can use a mild, skin-friendly soap and avoid chemical irritants. Tips for finding the right soap if you have eczema While it’s important to use soaps that won’t irritate the skin or aggravate eczema, finding the most suitable one for your skin might be challenging. Here are the six most important tips for finding the right soap when dealing with eczema or other skin diseases: Avoid fragrances and other harsh chemicals Usually, people with eczema may find that their skin responds best to mild skincare items devoid of preservatives and perfumes. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology suggests using soap-free cleansers. The substance that causes soap to froth, sodium lauryl sulfate, is likely absent from several of these cleansers. Many soaps’ detergents, such as sodium lauryl sulfate, rob the skin of its natural oils, causing tightness and itchiness.
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8 Medical Conditions That May Cause Severe Hair Loss

8 Medical Conditions That May Cause Severe Hair Loss

Hair loss or alopecia is a dreaded condition most commonly associated with middle-aged men, but unfortunately, it may even occur in young children. When you lose 50 to 100 hair each day, you would think it is not that big a deal. However, sometimes you may lose more, or perhaps new hair does not replace lost hair quickly. So let’s learn about hair loss and the medical conditions that trigger it. Signs to look out for Sometimes it can be tricky to differentiate regular hair loss from severe since even routine combing is bound to produce a handful of strands. For example, alopecia has the following symptoms – widening patches of scaling, receding hairline, loose hair, bald patches, and pain or itching on the scalp. Thinning of hair can take any form and sometimes may not appear on your head. Or, your drains may get clogged more, and perhaps your brush is full of hair if you suffer from alopecia. Medical conditions that trigger severe hair loss Most people do not talk about hair when they talk about their health. It is unfortunate since hair fall coincides with several health conditions. The following are some ailments known to trigger severe or noticeable hair loss.
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Hyperkalemia – Causes and Management Options

Hyperkalemia – Causes and Management Options

Hyperkalemia is characterized by increased potassium levels in a person’s bloodstream. For optimal health, maintaining adequate potassium levels is essential. Managing hyperkalemia by following a nutritious meal plan can help with this. As hyperkalemia can be deadly, it must be treated immediately after being diagnosed to prevent its symptoms. Below is a list of some of the nutritious foods that have helped lower potassium levels and some potassium-rich foods to avoid for managing hyperkalemia. Hyperkalemia Potassium is an essential nutrient, but excess potassium in the body can lead to conditions like hyperkalemia. It can cause serious heart problems, so it is crucial to be familiar with all the details of the conditions. Hyperkalemia symptoms are typically mild and non-specific and thus easy to miss. Muscle weakness, tingling, nausea, and numbness are the usual symptoms of the condition. When the potassium levels are high, one may experience shortness of breath, chest pain, and heart palpitations. Since sudden hyperkalemia can be life-threatening, it is better to seek immediate medical care if the symptoms arise. Causes of hyperkalemia One of the most prevalent reasons for hyperkalemia is kidney disease. The kidneys are tasked with the job of balancing electrolytes, including potassium. The kidney can compensate for high amounts of kalium when its functioning is only moderately impaired.
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Multiple Myeloma – Unusual Signs and Management

Multiple Myeloma – Unusual Signs and Management

Multiple myeloma is a rare cancer that attacks the plasma cells in the bone marrow. Myeloma occurs when one of the plasma cells starts malfunctioning or begins to divide uncontrollably. The initial symptoms of the disease can go unnoticed till cancer spreads to other parts of the body. Hence recognizing the uncommon signs will help identify the condition at an early stage. Read on to learn about the nutritional regime and lifestyle changes to follow. 5 unusual symptoms of multiple myeloma When the plasma cells become cancerous, they grow uncontrollably within the bone marrow, crowding out healthy blood cells like red blood cells and platelets. Some patients who receive treatment could show little to no change and reoccurring symptoms. When cancer does not respond to treatment or recurs, this condition is known as relapsed refractory multiple myeloma. One can also face other unusual symptoms like: Rib pain If the tumor is near or compressing the spinal cord, some may also feel a shooting pain that starts in the rib and passes through the leg.  Repeated fractures Myeloma damages the bones, making them weak and thin. It also causes lytic bone lesions leading to the loss of pockets of bone. Hence, repeated fractures are a symptom of multiple myeloma.
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