Watch Out for These 5 Severe Signs of Migraine

Watch Out for These 5 Severe Signs of Migraine

Migraine is a condition that can develop in anyone, however, women are three times more likely to get it. Some may have one or two episodes a year, while others could experience more than 10 episodes a month. The symptoms and severity of an episode may vary from one person to another. Migraine usually develops as a headache, beginning on one side and spreading to the entire head or shifting from one side to another. Severe signs to recognize Moderate to severe headache, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite and abdominal pain, and feeling too warm or cold are also common symptoms of a migraine. These symptoms are not alarming and get better with proper treatment and rest. However, there are some signs of headaches and migraines that one should not ignore. Migraine with aura As migraine is a neurological disease, one may experience symptoms like aura, where they see halos, flashing lights, zig-zags, and blank spots. Some may even experience a temporary loss of vision. Aura symptoms typically begin within one hour of the onset of the migraine. These symptoms usually last between thirty minutes to one hour. Some may experience confusion, weakness, or paralysis. Though aura symptoms alone are not dangerous, they could indicate other conditions like stroke.
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Prostate Cancer – Warning Signs and Management

Prostate Cancer – Warning Signs and Management

The second most common cancer in men is prostate cancer. It impacts the prostate gland, which secretes seminal fluid. Prostate cancer is usually localized and does not migrate. Early cancer detection results in less harm and more successful treatment of cancer. Although there are treatment alternatives, there are active clinical trials for more advanced treatments for prostate cancer. Read on to learn more about the warning signs and foods to eat and avoid for prostate cancer. 5 early warning signs of prostate cancer Frequent urge to urinate The prostate tumor exerts pressure on the urethra and the bladder, leading to a person getting an urge to urinate, especially at night.  Weak flow of urine Weak urine flow need not always be a sign of prostate cancer as one experiences trouble urinating as one ages. However, if one experiences a weak flow of urine or has no control over starting and stopping it, it is advisable to consult a doctor.  Numbness or pain As cancer advances, one might experience unexplainable pain in the hips, chest, or lower back. Some men may also experience numbness in the legs. Burning or painful urination Burning or experiencing pain while urinating is called dysuria. It is a common symptom of UTIs.
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12 Foods That Help Improve Blood Circulation

12 Foods That Help Improve Blood Circulation

The human circulatory system has three major components the heart, blood, and blood vessels. Together they supply blood, nutrients, and hormones to different organs and parts of the body. Another important function of the circulatory system is to carry carbon dioxide and other waste products to flush them out of the body. Any disruption in this process can result in an inadequate supply of blood and nutrients and incomplete disposal of waste. Impact of meals and lifestyle The heart, veins, arteries, and vessels function like a mechanical unit, where a problem in one component can affect the entire process. Clogging in the veins or arteries can lead to heart failure or circulatory system dysfunction. Regular intake of certain foods can form plaque in the arteries and make them thick. This prevents the smooth flow of blood and may lead to hypertension and other complications. An unhealthy meal plan can contribute to the hardening, clotting, clogging, and tearing of blood vessels, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.  Best nutrient sources The ideal foods to improve blood count should be low in cholesterol and saturated fats. The meal plan should include alternatives such as trimmed meat and seafood, safe fats like mono or polyunsaturated fats, and omega-3 fatty acids.
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5 Conditions That Can Cause Osteoporosis

5 Conditions That Can Cause Osteoporosis

An adult has 206 bones compared to an infant’s 306; as one grows, the bone fuses, and the bone tissues constantly break down and rebuild. The length of bones stops growing between the ages of 16 and 18, but bone density continues growing until age 35. Individuals begin to lose bone tissue between the ages of 35 and 40, but this can be hastened by conditions like osteoporosis, which leads to drastic bone loss. What is osteoporosis? Bones have a thick outer shell and an inner mesh resembling a honeycomb. The mesh contains proteins and minerals like collagen and calcium. Our body needs minerals like phosphorus and magnesium to build new bones regularly. As we age, if our body loses more bones than it can produce, it cumulatively results in bone loss. This condition is called osteoporosis, which develops and progresses slowly over many years. The bone’s outer shell and honeycomb-like mesh gradually become thinner when osteoporosis happens. The bone becomes weak, putting the person at a high risk of bone pain and fractures. Osteoporosis does not have any specific symptoms. Most men and women may not know they have had osteoporosis until the bone pain and stiffness become too intense or if they suffer a sudden fracture.
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Key Things to Know About Thyroid Cancer

Key Things to Know About Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid cancer is a type of cancer that affects the thyroid, a gland located at the neck base that produces hormones that regulate metabolism. While there are several types of thyroid cancer, including papillary and follicular, one of the rarest and most aggressive types is metastatic squamous neck (MSK) thyroid cancer. MSK thyroid cancer can be challenging to diagnose and treat, so one must be aware of the subtle signs of this cancer type. This article will examine what MSK thyroid cancer is, the symptoms you should be mindful of, how it’s diagnosed, and the available treatment options. We will also discuss how to manage the side effects of treatments, some coping strategies for those with MSK thyroid cancer, prevention methods, and prognosis for the disease. Introduction to MSK Thyroid Cancer MSK thyroid cancer is a rare and aggressive type of thyroid cancer that is believed to originate from the squamous cells in the neck, which are thin and flat cells that line the surface of the throat. MSK thyroid cancer spreads quickly to the lymph nodes in the neck and other body parts, such as the lungs and bones. This cancer is more likely in adults, particularly those over 40.
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12 Healthy Foods That Are Packed With Potassium

12 Healthy Foods That Are Packed With Potassium

Potassium is a key mineral integral to safeguarding one’s general health. This mineral helps maintain normal levels of fluid in one’s cells. Besides that, potassium helps regularize one’s heart rate and aids in nerve functioning. Not eating potassium-rich foods can lead to constipation, fatigue, muscle weakness, tingling or numbing, and even irregular heartbeat. These are reasons to worry, so it helps to be aware of healthy potassium-rich foods to include in one’s meal.  Why do we need potassium? The body needs potassium for optimal health but cannot produce the nutrient on its own. Potassium is also essential as an electrolyte since it bears an eclectic charge that activates different cells and plays a pivotal role in nerve functioning. Potassium enables the contraction of muscles and helps maintain normal blood pressure.  Potassium is an unsung nutrient, and its deficiency can be problematic. Though excess potassium levels cause diseases like hyperkalemia, its deficiency is also dangerous. Therefore, it is important to consult a health expert about the amount of potassium that suits you. If you are susceptible to kidney conditions, the doctor might ask you to have less of this mineral. However, according to experts, the daily advised potassium intake amount for adult women is 2,320 mg, and for adult men, it is 3,016 mg.  Healthy potassium-rich food items Potassium is available naturally in many food items and can be taken as a supplement.
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6 Helpful Tips for a Healthy Sleep Cycle

6 Helpful Tips for a Healthy Sleep Cycle

A good night’s sleep is one of the critical factors to a high quality of life. Healthy sleep habits indicate the individual’s mental and physical well-being. However, in this day and age, several factors hinder sleep despite an efficient lifestyle. Heartburn can significantly impede a healthy sleep cycle, but there are ways to prevent and manage it. This article will discuss ways to avoid heartburn and get a better night’s sleep. What is heartburn, and how does it impact sleep? Heartburn is a burning sensation in the chest or throat caused by acid reflux and can make it challenging to get a comfortable and sound sleep. Fortunately, there are quite a few strategies a person can use to prevent and manage heartburn and get a healthy and restful sleep during the night. Heartburn is a common condition caused by the regurgitation of stomach acid into the esophagus, leading to a burning sensation in the chest or throat. This burning sensation can become more uncomfortable when lying down, making it difficult to get comfortable and stay asleep. Additionally, heartburn can cause difficulty breathing, resulting in frequent waking throughout the night and poor overall sleep quality. Therefore, it is imperative to avoid foods that cause heartburn at night.
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Migraine Management – A Complete Guide

Migraine Management – A Complete Guide

Migraine is a neurological health condition that causes intense headaches. They occur in episodes when exposed to specific stimuli. Common triggers include loud sounds, fatigue, weather changes, and bright lights. Though the precise cause is unknown, it is clear that the propensity to get migraines and even the particular triggers can be transferred through heredity from parents. The following is a comprehensive account of foods and smells that trigger migraine and cities that are particularly problematic migraine hotspots. Foods that trigger migraines Food and beverages can provoke migraines on their own, as well as in combination with other triggers. Combinations and triggers are highly individualized; thus, there are no universal triggers. However, some foods are more common detonators than others and are listed below, so you can watch out for them. Always consult a doctor about food modifications to ascertain what affects you and what does not. Foods with MSG Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, exists naturally in the body but is also present in certain foods. Though safe to eat in minute proportions and widely used as a food additive, these might activate migraine attacks. Other food preservatives may also cause migraines. Aged cheeses Aged cheeses like feta, blue cheese, and Parmesan all contain a compound called tyramine.
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